EducationHelp Kenyan Children with TuitionChildren in a local orphanage in Kajiado County, Kenya can attend school for an entire year… Raised:$2,940Goal:$10,000 EducationBook Scholarships for Jamaican ChildrenChildren in the White River Fishing Community in Jamaica compete for book scholarships Raised:$10,996Goal:$20,000 DonateGoats For Widows FundKenyan widows are each gifted a goat to help provide for their families. Jamaican young adults… Raised:$325Goal:$2,000 DonateJamaican Coral Reef & Community Resource Assistance FundShaw OpCo corporation funds SCUBA training and certification classes in collaboration with Couples Tower Isle for… Raised:$2,586Goal:$10,000 Skills TrainingScuba Diver Skills Training & Equipment FundShaw OpCo corporation funds SCUBA training and certification classes in collaboration with Couples Tower Isle for… Raised:$800Goal:$5,000 HealthMedical Camp Supplies FundShaw OpCo operates a medical camp in the SW Kenya community, bringing health care to children… Raised:$2,630Goal:$10,000